Breakthroughs rarely happen by luck.

Getting your business beyond your current plateau and to the next level doesn’t happen by luck.

In a way, you make your own luck by putting yourself in situations in which you maximize your chances at a great outcome.

I’m Tom Woods, and I’m inviting you to make your own luck with me.

Does this sound like you:

You’re doing well but you could be doing better. You could use a peer group that is mercifully free of weird ideologies and wants only to skyrocket your success. You want to bounce ideas off smart, successful people and get the kind of feedback that takes you to the proverbial next level.

If so, I’d like to find a spot for you inside the
Tom Woods Mastermind.

Without feedback from smart and successful people outside our usual niche we can fall into a routine — or, more bluntly, a rut. The people we talk to on a daily basis think in the same terms and ask the same questions. We rarely encounter a fresh idea.

The Tom Woods Mastermind is a pattern interrupt.

We meet three times a year, each time in a different city. We dig deep into your business and give very specific, actionable advice. Connections and partnerships also emerge.

Two members have just entered into a potentially multimillion-dollar partnership. Another says he’s seen a substantial increase in sales (the bad guys at a certain federal agency won’t let me tell you by how much) at one of his branches thanks to ideas he implemented from the mastermind.

But we’ve also become great friends. I’m all for the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, so we enjoy great food and entertainment together, too (all of which is included in the package). These are unforgettable weekends, and supplemented by a private group and virtual sessions between in-person meetings so we can stay in touch and keep everyone’s momentum going.

As one member put it, “In a room full of highly experienced, successful people, it’s common to find at least one a-hole. The fact that this room is only great, smart, fun people is amazing. Thank you.”

Still another participant said: “Thank you, Tom, for putting this together. I’ve participated in other networking groups in the past, but none with this caliber of participant and depth of knowledge.”

You won’t get platitudes from us about waking up early in the morning or meditating for 10 minutes a day. This is specific, actionable guidance for you in your particular situation, intended to generate dramatic results. It’s a small group so we can give you plenty of individual attention.

We’re not interested in growing by five percent.
We’re interested in moving everyone up to the proverbial next level, where they - you? - dream of being, but can’t quite get there on their own.

After our Las Vegas meeting, one of our members wrote on LinkedIn:

I just finished an electrifying business mastermind in Las Vegas….


  1. Exchanging ideas with other leaders = major value.
  2. Helping others overcome business challenges = massive
    value. (I watched a million-dollar deal come together.)
  3. Strategic thinking and accountability from experts in
    different fields = value explosion.

Results: sharper tactics, faster time to action. Goals will
be crushed.

PRO TIP: Seek out a mastermind group. They beat
traditional networking events or conferences any day.

Masterminds are not cheap (price them and see; they can range from $50,000 to $250,000 per year), and they’re not for everyone.

But for the right person they are life-changing. As mastermind member Henry Bingaman says, “Sometimes you have to pay to be in the room…. Almost every dollar of income in my copywriting career I can trace back to a handshake somewhere.”

The Tom Woods Mastermind is $20,000 per year.

Ready to open a new chapter?

Click the button below to apply, and let’s get on a call:

The Game-Changing TOM WOODS Mastermind You’ve Been Looking For

We hadn’t even boarded our flights home from our first meeting and The Great One, Marlon Sanders, had already written a strategy-packed 26-page memo for everyone.

Do You Belong in This Room?

Let Successful Peers, Who See the World the Way You Do, Guide Your Business to the Next Level